Giving has always been a characteristic of the Christian community. We give to others because we are brothers and sisters in Christ. We give as a response to Christ’s gift of himself to us. We feel the need to give because we have received so much.
We give because it is good to give. God has created us in such a fashion that we are most fulfilled when we give generously. It is our experience that this generosity comes back to us “one-hundredfold.”
Our financial giving is symbolic of our self-gift to the Lord and to those we love. Giving also symbolizes our place in the Church. Through baptism we become part of the Lord’s body and take our place in the Church.
Importantly, our giving helps our parish community to “breathe” so that we can carry out our mission to serve others. Our giving also helps us nurture and develop what past generations have bequeathed to us.
There are a number of excellent ways to give to support our parish. For instance:
To participate in our Planned Giving Envelope Scheme, please contact the Parish Office.
To set up an automated regular direct debit, please use these details from your bank account to ours:
Goulburn: Parish MQA 2nd collection (RED) account details
EFT online - MQA Parish (account name)
BSB 062-786 ACC 000014927
Reference: pg+ (env no or Surname)
Or over the counter at any bank branch.
MQA Parish BSB 062-902 Account Number: 00903419
Reference: 14927 + pg no + (surname)
QKR! is an easy-to-use smartphone app which enables you to contribute to the first and second collections, plus any special donations. It enables you to see your receipts on the app, and get them sent by email if required.
Step 1: Download Qkr! on your android phone or iPhone,
Step 2: Register - Select your country of residence as Australia and follow the steps to register
Step 3: Find your Parish - Our parish will appear in "nearby locations" if you're within 10km of the parish, or search for "Mary Queen of Apostles" parish by name.
Step 4: Register your debit card - When first accessing our parish, you will be prompted to add a profile. This allows you to make orders and payments.