Our Parish Team

Parish Priest (Goulburn): Fr Michael Lim
Administrator (Crookwell and Taralga):  Fr Dominic Byrne
Parish Secretary:  Heather Moss
Administration Officer:  Christopher O'Mahony
Crookwell Pastoral Associate:  Vacant
 Parish Office Hours:  Tuesday - Friday 9am - 1pm.

P.O. Box 11 GOULBURN 2580   Telephone:  040 363 1797


Our Schools

Ss Peter & Paul's Primary School
10 Knox Street, Goulburn

02 48213304

Principal: Ms Kathy Neely


St Joseph's Primary School
101 Lagoon Street, Goulburn

02 48213510

Principal: Mr Matt Mullins 


Trinity Catholic College
Cnr Clinton & College Streets, Goulburn

02 48213600

Principal: Mrs Gaye McManus 

St Mary's Primary School 

Wade Street Crookwell 

02 4832 1592

Principal: Mrs Sally-Anne Croker

Parish Caring Services

Communion to the Sick and Housebound

Ms Marlene Eggleston  0438 211 814

Communion In the Nursing Homes

Waminda - Mr Lance Eccles 0474 703 311

Warrigal - Sr Bernadette Mary Walsh

Hospital Pastoral Care Coordinator

Mrs Carol Cordioli  0484 777 707

St Vincent de Paul Society

Mrs Wendy Wise   0438 799 937

Ministry to the Aged, Housebound & Sick

Roster: Mrs Barbara Hall 0418 413 731

If you have family or friends in hospital and they would like a Pastoral visit or receive Holy Communion, please contact:

Mrs Carol Cordioli  0484 777 707

Prison Chaplaincy

Mr Tony Stuart

Bereavement Team

Sr Karen Muir SOSJ

Social Groups

Women's Morning Tea

Mrs Chanel Burke 0410 640034

Men's Breakfast

Mr Michael Lamarra 0419 019304

Family History Group

Mrs Pat Rice and Mrs Helen Condylios    


Parish Ministries

Parish Pastoral Council

The PPC meets once a month. Its role is to assist the parish priest and parish teams. PPC members are appointed for two years.


Mrs Diane Green (chair)

Fr Joshy Kurien PP,  Mr Michael Lamarra, Mr Lance Eccles, Sr Janet Glass, Mrs Irna Priora.

PPC Meeting minutes and agenda can be obtained by contacting the Parish Office.

Parish Finance Council

The PFC is appointed to manage the financial aspects of the parish with regard to the maintenance, development and administration of parish facilities.

Chair: Mr David Bourke

Claire Hallam, Michael McGillion.

Liturgy Team: Sr Karen Muir SOSJ    

Music Contact: Sr Gabrielle Owen RSM

Music Roster:  Barbara Hall

Choir Master (SPP):  Stephen Hart

Acolytes and Eucharistic Ministers

Dr Christopher O'Mahony

Altar Servers:  Mr Conway Bogg     

Prayer Writers: Parish Office         

Ministry Roster Coordinator

Mrs Judith Stuart     

Children's Liturgy: Mrs Kim McGillion

Safeguarding Officers

Mrs Cassie Harris, Mr Matt Casey

Counters: Ms Marlene Eggleston   

Foccus (Marriage Preparation)

Contact Parish Office 040 363 1797

Baptism Preparation Team

Mrs Diane Green         

Legion of Mary

(every Wednesday 2pm in the Presbytery)

Mrs Tess Corkery    0487 738355

Mrs Judy Kelly    0427 032073

Gospel Reflection Group

Parish Office

Bible Study Group

Parish Office

Church and Grounds Care and Maintenance

Heritage and Restoration Committee

Mrs Ursula Stephens      

Work Health and Safety

Mr Dennis Burke

Lawn and Garden Maintenance

Mr David Bourke, Mr Marcus Imbens, Mr Denis Boreham

Church Flowers

Mrs Anne Craig (SPP)

Ms Marlene Eggleston (OLOF)

Church Linen (SPP)

Mrs Dora McGaw, Mrs Ann Anable, Mrs Carol Cordioli

Pilgrimages and Tours 

Mrs Trish Groves                     

Event Bookings:

Parish Office 040 363 1797