Parish Caring Services
Communion to the Sick and Housebound
Mr Chris O'Brien 0408 484555
Communion In the Nursing Homes
Waminda - Mr Lance Eccles 0474 703311
Warrigal - Mrs Liz Hartley
Hospital Pastoral Care Coordinator
Mrs Barbara Hall 0418 413731
St Vincent de Paul Society
Mrs Wendy Wise 0438 799937
Ministry to the Aged, Housebound & Sick
Mrs Barbara Hall 0418413731
If you have family or friends in hospital and they would like a Pastoral visit or receive Holy Communion.
Prison Chaplaincy
Mr Tony Stuart
Bereavement Team
Sr Karen Muir SOSJ
Social Groups
Women's Morning Tea
Mrs Chanel Burke 0410 640034
Men's Breakfast
Mr Michael Lamarra 0419 019304
Parish Craft Group
Ms Rita Fry
Family History Group
Mrs Pat Rice